Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Simplicity

Mistakes do not only happen when playing a game. You will also find mistakes in books. Even books written by chess masters.

Apparently, Alexander Alekhine wrote more chess books and articles than his predecessors (Steinitz, Lasker and Capablanca) together. In his huge amount of chess production, is impossible not to find mistakes.

For instance, in his book “300 Selected Games”, revised by Russian IM Vasily Panov, we find an intriguing analysis of game 27.

The following diagram shows the position after White’s 21.Nxe5.

To Black’s 21…Qb6 Alekhine comments “This is without any doubt the best move” and offers a line to justify his comment.

It is astonishing that Alekhine gives such a long line when the simply 22.Nxd7 Qcd7 23.Qxc5 wins a piece on the spot!!

Nairobi Chess Club site is closed until further notice due to the COVID-19 crisis and all chess events in Kenya are canceled.
But if you want to play chess, you are lucky. Our virtual club organizes regularly online tournaments and matches. Register now and join the events running there. Next Saturday there will be an online bitz tournament.
Meanwhile, to get updated about COVID-19 check the website World Health Organization which includes links to country-specific information.

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