Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Kotrc-Mieses Gambit

In chess, we give the name of gambits to openings where one player sacrifices material (pawns and/or pieces) in order to achieve some advantage, usually quick developing of own pieces.

Maybe you wonder how many gambits chess players can play. Researching, I found this list of gambits, with 193 classified gambits, belonging to 48 different openings.

Because of this extraordinary amount and variety of openings, it isn’t expected that anyone can understand what is going on in all of them. Especially because usually the theory behind gambits defies general rules of openings.

With the previous in mind, you will understand that gambits are the ideal weapon when playing rapid and blitz games. That is exactly what Nakamura thought in today’s game against the young chess star Firouzja.

These players participated in the “Magnus Carlsen Invitational” (2020, Apr.18 – May.3). It was an online tournament of rapid games with a time control of 15 min + 10sec increment. Nakamura surprised Firouzja with a gambit in the Scandinavian Defence.

Most probably Firouzja was not familiar with that gambit. Soon he was back in development and lost in 14 moves after an unexpected tactical punch on his castle.

Nairobi Chess Club site closed again until further notice due to the COVID pandemic.
Nevertheless, our virtual club organizes regularly online tournaments and matches. More than 370 members enjoy that chance. New tournaments will start soon and there is Blitz every Wednesday and Saturday. Join now! Limited slots!.
Besides all of that, on Apr.18th, 9 members of Nairobi Chess Club had the privilege to play an overseas match against the German Nastätten Schachclub. The final score favoured Nairobi Chess Club: 13,5 to 4,5. Congratulations team!!!
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