Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Fishing the Queen

Probably you have listened or read about the chess trap known as “the fishing pole”. If not, take a look in this previous post. In that trap, one side offers a knight as the bait. If the opponent takes it, then he/she suffers a crushing incursion over the castle.

Sometimes, ‘fishing’ means to attract one of the opponent’s pieces to an unfavourable square from where we obtain an advantage. This resource has in chess the name of “Attraction”.

Today’s game shows such resource in which White attracts the opponent’s queen to the c5-square in a way that resembles as ‘fishing the queen’

Black played carelessly the knight to d7 and there started today’s trap.

As once Savielly Tartakower said: “Blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made”

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