Tagged: Caro-Kann Defence
You have probably read chess books about openings. Usually they provide many variations. Remembering long sequences of moves is difficult. Because of that, comments explaining the meaning of those moves are necessary. Good chess...
At club level, a player can succeed with a narrow openings repertoire. At the top level that is not the case. Top players know in deep openings, not because they memorize the moves. They...
There are traps which entail some level of risk for the player who sets them. Nevertheless, there are others which are absolutely free of risk and in case the opponent doesn’t fall into them,...
While I’ve written before about how to learn an opening, it’s worth pointing out exactly why the focus should be on learning how to handle everything after the opening moves stop. As an example,...
The 2020 edition of the Kenya Premier Chess League kicked off on February 29. This year, the league is divided into two divisions: a 16-team Elite League, and the second Super League of 17...
Being an intermediate chess player can be frustrating. We’re used to building from beginner stages to mastery through schooling. But in school, courses are designed so you’re never exposed to anything that would require...
Ugandan FM Haruna Nsubuga won the Open section of the 2018 Nairobi Chess Club Open Championship with a score of 5.5 in 6 rounds. This is his round 1 game: