Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Trojan Horse Trap
This post is a collaboration with Mr Andrew Crosby.
Andrew is an expert in chess gambits, which he usually plays in his games with great success. He is a member of our virtual club and takes active part in our online tournaments and matches.
The Fajarowicz Gambit is in fact a deviation from the Budapest Gambit.
The Budapest Gambit begins with the moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 and continues with Black’s 3…Ng4. Whilst Black’s move 3…Ne4 is classified as the Fajarowicz Gambit. Despite both gambits start with the same move order, they are classified with different ECO codes: the Budapest Gambit has code A52, while the Fajarowicz Gambit has code A51.
In its beginning, games starting with the Fajarowicz Gambit achieved quick tactical wins for Black. That is not surprising whenever a sharp opening is introduced into practice.
In the Fajarowicz, the knight on e4 resembles a Trojan horse.
Today’s trap is not especially difficult to foresee and would be only appropriate when playing against lower-rated players.
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