Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Budapest First Victim
This post is a collaboration with Mr Andrew Crosby.
Andrew is an expert in chess gambits, which he usually plays in his games with great success. He is a member of our virtual club and takes active part in our online tournaments and matches.
The Budapest Gambit (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5) appeared a century ago as a resource against the common Queen’s Gambit. The Queen’s Gambit offered White a solid opening without many complications and players were looking for something that gave active play for Black.
When new openings develop, there is no theory available. It means that the surprised player has to spend an extra effort in calculation and time in order to find the right answers. It becomes exhausting and often leads to mistakes and blunders.
The Budapest Gambit appeared for the first time in a game played between Adler and Marozy in Budapest, 1896.
But the introduction of this gambit in the top chess arena was in Berlin, 1918. Four chess masters took part in a tournament played with a double round Robin system: Vidmar, Schlechter, Mieses, and Rubinstein
Today’s game was the first where two top chess masters played that gambit and Rubinstein was the first important victim.
The astonishing result of today’s game inspired the other participants to play the same opening against Rubinstein. As a result, Rubinstein only scored half a point in his three games with White!
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