Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Queen Endgame
Queen endgames are the most challenging endgames. Their complexity lies in the myriad of variations arising from the many squares this powerful piece can move to. It is time consuming to evaluate those lines. And that is especially critical in time trouble, which is the common case in the final phase of many games.
However, the good news is that as soon as you can, try to convert a queen endgame in a favorable ending trading queens. Doing so, you will considerably reduce the time for evaluation.
Saying is easier than doing and today’s example will show you why.
The following position arose in a game at the master level. Although Black’s position is theoretically winning, GM Sargsyan didn’t know how to convert it into an easier winning pawn endgame.
Chess is a game demanding total attention, but difficult endgames, like those where queens are involved, also requiere deep study.
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