Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Milner-Barry Gambit. False Pin
A previous post showed the difference between absolute and relative pin.
A relative pin is a convenient motif for traps. As explained in that post, relative pins induce our opponent to believe that we can not play the pinned piece. The opponent’s puzzlement becomes apparent when we play that piece winning some advantage.
One example is the Milner-Barry Gambit in the Caro-Kann Defense when Black faces an embarrassing situation just after 6 moves!!
Never let your autopilot play for you. Always think before playing. Savielly Tartakower once said: “Blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made” and Garry Kasparov stated: “Chess is a mental torture”
Due to COVID pandemic, Nairobi Chess Club remains closed.
But our virtual club keeps regularly organizing online tournaments and matches. More than 440 members enjoy that chance and new players join every week.
New tournaments will start soon and there is Blitz every Saturday.
Join now! Limited slots!.
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