Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Weak Squares
The topic of the weak square is an elusive concept which every chess player faces from time to time. Understanding it will help you to progress in the mastery of chess.
Today’s game shows what happened to the German GM Robert Huebner in his game against Armenian GM Rafael Vaganian.
Vaganian took his chance and began creating weaknesses in his opponent’s position, finishing with total dominance over light squares.
At that time, Armenia was part of the disappeared USSR and Vaganian, despite being Armenian, was playing in the Soviet team.
The game corresponds to the Chess Olympiad from Thessaloniki, 1984, where the USSR team finished first.
For winning a chess game you don’t have to wait for your opponent’s mistake, you have to make things happen. Vaganian did it by provoking a sequence of weaknesses until Black’s position broke apart.
It is worth to mention that Vaganian won the gold medal in that Olympiad for his excellent results in the third board.
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Update about COVID-19 checking the website World Health Organization which includes links to country-specific information.
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