Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Logic
There is a general tendency to think that master players are able to calculate many moves in advance. It isn’t true. Chess masters are experienced players who have played thousands of games and they know many key positions. They are able to recognize typical patterns and their decision-making process works based on a set of chess principles, both strategic and tactical.
“Reading” a position on the board is necessary to understand its meaning. Once the player understands it, then the process of making a decision is easier and saves time. The understanding of a position says the actual state. In other words, the player knows what resources he/she has and which chances are available. The player evaluates the chances on a win/loss basis. Sometimes it means a big win like checkmate or winning a piece. And sometimes a small loss like losing only a pawn when the opponent was launching an attack.
There is a logic in chess and grasping it is a way to master the game. Applying that logic, allows players to save time because they avoid calculating long sequences of moves. Instead, they face and solve small problems step by step. Every new position on the board is a small problem that requires a solution. Among the available solutions, the player ideally chooses the one which at the same time, considers the most favorable for him/her and the most unfavorable for the opponent.
Look at the initial position in the following puzzle. Black to play. Try to understand what is going on. Take your time. After solving it, check your reasoning with the comments accompanying the moves.
Congratulations if you solved the puzzle. The whole line is long. It’s impossible to figure out the complete sequence of moves from the beginning. But by understanding the chances and resources in every position, the key moves appear logically.
Dear readers, try to grasp the logic of chess. You will save time and you will significantly improve.
Maybe you play chess but are unable to attend a local club. If that is your case, then join our virtual club. On our site, we regularly play online tournaments and team matches. More than 1150 members enjoy that chance and new players join every week. We have new tournaments scheduled for the coming months waiting for players! Join now! Additionally, we have a puzzle section where you can test your chess skills.