Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: French Bottleneck
When playing the French Defense -Advance Variation- as Black, the player realizes that pieces on the kingside have only one way to develop: the e7-square. Through that narrow passage, both bishop and knight find the way out. If that way closes, Black faces some trouble.
In today’s game, Black gets trapped because of the e7-square turns into an insurmountable bottleneck.
First, Black made the mistake of closing the queenside with 6…c4 and doing so, any chance for counterplay on that side disappeared. Second, without foreseeing the tactics, Black obstructed the important “French passage” (e7-square), which left his pieces with disrupted coordination.
Nairobi Chess Club site is closed again until further notice due to the COVID pandemic.
Nevertheless, if you want to play chess, you are lucky. Our virtual club keeps organizing regularly online tournaments and matches. More than 350 members enjoy that chance. New tournaments will start soon and there is Blitz every Saturday. Join now! Limited slots!.
Besides all of that, a new overseas match against the German Nastätten Schachclub is scheduled for Apr.18th. Members of Nairobi Chess Club are invited to play.
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