Traps, Tricks & Mistakes: Fajarowicz Queen Trap
This post is a collaboration with Mr Andrew Crosby.
Andrew is an expert in chess gambits, which he usually plays in his games with great success. He is a member of our virtual club and takes active part in our online tournaments and matches.
The Budapest Gambit appeared at the beginning of the 20th century as a resource against the Queen’s Gambit, which players used as a solid opening for White.
Today’s game begins as the Budapest Gambit but actually is a trap in the Fajarowicz Gambit.
There is confusion between both gambits. The Budapest Gambit begins with moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5. Taking the pawn means accepting the gambit. From this point, chess theory classifies variations where Black plays 3…Ng4 as the Budapest Gambit and those beginning with 3…Ne4 as the Fajarowicz Gambit.
From a systematic point of view, all variations after 3.dxe5 (accepting the gambit) should be under the category of Budapest Gambit.
This trap has some psychological aspects related to the player’s feelings. In particular, the fact of winning pieces apparently so easily is a factor that will push greedy players to take the offered material.
In any case, this is an appropriate trap for using in blitz games.
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