62nd Nairobi Chess Club AGM
62nd Nairobi Chess Club AGM
Nairobi Chess Club will hold it’s 62nd AGM on 30th November 2019 at the Goan Gymkhana Club from 3pm.
The club has hosted 3 FIDE rated events in 2019 making it one of the most active ones in Kenya. These include the 4th Le Pelley Cup, 9th Capablanca Cup and the 61st Nairobi Chess Club Championship. The 3rd edition of the Jamhuri Cup will be the final FIDE rated event that the club will host during the weekend of 7th & 8th December 2019.
The club’s registration date is 26th February 1958 which makes it one of the oldest in the region.

Photo of 60th Annual General Meeting for Nairobi Chess Club. From left to right. Paul Oketch, Warren Pollock, Willy Simons, Mushfig Habilov (Misha with NCC shirt and cap), Ian Masaa, Ernest Thumbi, Paul Ochieng, Mehul Gohil, Kim Bhari (with shirt and cap) and Jackim Arigi
The agenda will be as follows:
- To read the notice convening the meeting.
- To approve the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 27th October 2018.
- To read the report of the auditors on the financial statements for the year ended 31st August 2019.
- To receive the Executive Committee Report, the Chairman’s Report and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st August 2019.
- Election of the office bearers.
Vice Chairman
Director of Play
Committee Members (2)
Any other business.
Financial statements and minutes of the 61st AGM
191105 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 August 2019 signed.
James Panchol wins 61st Nairobi Chess Club Championship.
Karoli Lwanga wins 9th Capablanca Cup.
Ricky Sang wins 4th Le Pelley Cup.